Previously, prospective
and in-service teachers were encouraged to eliminate frustration, anxiety, and
tension (FAT) in the classrooms in favor of optimizing a learning environment
approaching nirvana (LEAN). Perception,
memory, and learning, are entwined in the quest to optimize learning at the
highest (deepest) levels. By rethinking
or replacing older, less functional traditions or metaphors and using stories
to create new mental images, a learning organization is able to move toward
positive change. This is due to images
created through metaphorical language influencing thought processes. For instance, Jung
(1964) wrote extensively on the instinctive nature of symbolic thought,
suggesting symbols transcend cultures.
Likewise, storytelling provides an integral tool as an organizational
change strategy because stories have the potential to create experiences
whereby a strategy is comprehended more personally (Adamson,
Pine, Tom & Kroupa, 2006). Therefore,
“storytelling builds stronger teams and a stronger sense of community” (p. 36). How does your educational institution utilize
organizational metaphors for optimizing deep learning?
A common
complaint regarding NCLB (2002)
has been the steady slide into teaching the breadth rather than depth of the
curriculum. This is metaphorically chastised
as "teaching to the test." Marzano and Waters (2009) called for a
narrowed curriculum whereby in each grade less breadth of the curriculum is
addressed but more thoroughly covered. Addressing
this, it is hoped the Common Core Standards will be successful in providing
more opportunities for critical, higher-order
thinking skills (Bloom, 1956).
Schools now
“celebrate” the pending annual AYP tests through test preps and letters to
parents, reminding them to ensure their children have a good breakfast and receive
plenty of sleep. Would this be the main traditions
celebrating critical thinking skills at an acclaimed, highly effective
school? What events, tradition,
schemes, or metaphors promote critical thinking in your school and classroom?
Many institutes
of higher education find adult learning benefits from a scheme or model for
promoting critical thinking as based on the Perry Scheme
(Perry, 1968). The model is comprised of
nine stages within four levels of cognitive ability: dualism, multiplicity,
relativism and commitment to relativism.
· Dualists think in terms of black and white or
right and wrong. They perceive the need
for an objective truth. They avoid group
discussions because they find them to be a waste of time.
· Multiplists,
by contrast, believe
that truth is completely subjective.
Everyone’s opinion or experience is legitimate.
· Relativists believe that truth is contextual,
therefore what is right or wrong is relative to a particular context or frame
of reference. Since students at this
level are able to evaluate the merits of a particular position based on
available data, and circumstances can change at any given moment, their
thinking is very fluid.
· Commitment
to relativism is the
final stage, whereby individuals are very self-aware and view knowledge as
progressive and evolving. New
information is constantly being compiled, evaluated, and synthesized and
therefore new knowledge replaces previous thoughts and beliefs. Philosophically, this level relates to scientific
Acronyms and mnemonics were previously
highlighted as two psychological tools utilizing social interactions within an
educational environment for effectively reducing neurological overload and
increasing learning of desired goals. Metaphors provide
another effective metacognitive tool. As
a figure of speech providing an implied comparison, the effective educator can utilize
metaphors to increase utilization of vocabulary, promote higher order thinking,
and reinforce a desired commitment to relativism.
To cite:
Anderson, C.J. (August 6, 2013) Metaphors provide a metacognitive tool for promoting
higher order thinking
skills [Web log post]
Adamson, G., Pine, J., Tom, V. S., & Kroupa, J. (2006). How storytelling can drive strategic
Strategy & Leadership, 34(1), 36-41
Jung, C. G. (1964) Man and his symbols London, England: Aldus Books in association with
W.H. Allen
Lavoie, R. (1989) How difficult can this be? F.A.T. City--A learning disabilities workshop DVD
Retrieved from
Marzano, R. & Waters, T.(2009). District leadership that works. Bloomington, IN: Solution
Tree Press
Rapaport, W.J. (2011) William Perry's scheme of intellectual and ethical development.
Retrieved from
Marzano, R. & Waters, T.(2009). District leadership that works. Bloomington, IN: Solution
Tree Press
Rapaport, W.J. (2011) William Perry's scheme of intellectual and ethical development.
Retrieved from