Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Formative assessment approaches help teachers plan for authentic utilization of generative artificial intelligence (AI)?


Formative assessments provide opportunities for ongoing feedback that is timely, specific, and actionable. This feedback helps students understand their progress and areas for improvement, while also guiding teachers in refining their instructional practices to better support student learning. By continually assessing student understanding and progress through formative assessments, teachers gain insights into areas where students may be struggling or excelling. This enables them to adjust their lesson plans and instructional strategies to address specific learning needs, ensuring that teaching is targeted and effective. 

Formative assessment approaches enable teachers to systematically collect and analyze data on student learning. Formative assessments provide teachers with valuable data about individual student strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. With this information, teachers can tailor instruction to meet the unique needs of each student, offering personalized learning experiences that maximize engagement and learning outcomes.

Proficiency with formative assessment strategies can be instrumental in helping teachers plan for the authentic utilization of generative artificial intelligence (AI).  Formative assessments provide insights into individual student needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding where students stand in their learning journey allows teachers to tailor the implementation of AI tools to meet specific needs.

Utilization of formative assessments allows teachers to identify areas where students require additional support or challenge. Effective deployment of AI tools can provide personalized learning experiences, offering targeted interventions that address each student's unique requirements. Formative assessments generate ongoing feedback about student progress. Incorporating AI into the feedback loop can allow teachers to enhance the quality and timeliness of feedback provided to students.

AI-powered systems can analyze student work in real-time, offering immediate feedback and suggestions for improvement. By analyzing formative assessment data in concert with AI insights, teachers can make informed decisions about resource allocation. They can identify areas where additional AI tools or support may be beneficial, thereby ensuring that resources effectively support student learning.

Machine learning, particularly through natural language processing (NLP), can support teachers in planning for deep learning by providing insights, resources, and personalized feedback. NLP algorithms can analyze large amounts of text-based content, such as textbooks, articles, or student essays, to extract key concepts, identify common themes, and assess the complexity of the material. This helps teachers understand the depth and breadth of topics covered in their curriculum, allowing them to plan learning experiences that foster deep understanding.

Machine learning algorithms can power adaptive learning platforms that personalize instruction based on individual student needs and learning styles. By analyzing students' responses to NLP-generated questions or prompts, these platforms can dynamically adjust the difficulty and pace of instruction. This can result in targeted support, helping students delve deeper into subject matter.

Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can be used to analyze and provide feedback on student writing assignments, discussions, or responses to open-ended questions. By automatically evaluating the depth of student understanding, coherence of arguments, and use of evidence, NLP-powered feedback tools can help teachers identify areas where students need further exploration or clarification.  By curating high-quality materials aligned with specific learning goals, teachers can enrich their instructional planning and provide students with diverse perspectives and resources for further critical thinking. By monitoring student engagement in real-time, teachers can monitor and adjust their instructional strategies to maintain student interest.

Machine learning through natural language processing supports teachers in planning by automating content analysis, personalizing instruction, providing text-based feedback, facilitating resource curation, visualizing knowledge representation, monitoring student engagement, and generating instructional materials. These capabilities empower teachers to design learning experiences that foster understanding, critical thinking, and meaningful interdisciplinary connections. Therefore, NLP-powered natural language generation tools can assist teachers in creating detailed lesson plans, instructional materials, and explanations tailored to the needs of their students. Thus, these AI tools can free up teachers' time for deeper engagement with students and more strategic planning of learning experiences.

By informing instructional decision-making, personalizing learning experiences, and supporting ongoing professional development, formative assessment approaches provide a foundation for teachers to effectively plan for the authentic utilization of generative AI in the classroom.  However, while using examples, materials, and contexts that resonate with students' cultural backgrounds, experiences, and Funds of Knowledge (Moll, González, & Amanti, 2009; Roe, 2019) ensures  instruction is more culturally relevant and inclusive of diverse perspectives, it does not ensure AI-powered systems will be respective of Universal Design for Learning Principles and Guidelines (Rose & Meyer, 2002; CAST, 2018).

This is why working together as a Professional Learning Community (PLC) continues to benefit educators seeking to identify a clear, shared vision, developing a collaborative culture focusing on learning, engaging in collective inquiry, remaining action oriented, committing to continuous improvement, and being results oriented (Dufour et al., 2008).  Working together as a PLC will help more teachers learn to combine formative assessment data with AI insights to inform professional development initiatives for all teachers. By identifying areas where teachers may need additional support or training in integrating AI into their instructional practices, professional development programs can be tailored to meet these specific needs.

A Professional Learning Community invites learning by doing. This process is optimized through intentional, caring, optimistic, respectful, and trustworthy (ICORT) mindsets (Purkey & Novak, 2016; Anderson, 2021) to foster a positive and supportive learning environment where diverse learners feel valued, respected, and motivated to engage in assessments. When students feel cared for and respected, they are more likely to approach learning with confidence and enthusiasm (Maslow, 1949). Formative assessment approaches provide a foundation for teachers to effectively plan for the authentic utilization of generative AI in the classroom by informing instructional decision-making, personalizing learning experiences, and supporting ongoing professional development.

Do you want to learn more about authentic utilization of generative artificial intelligence (AI)?  Good news: Google, Harvard, and more are offering FREE AI courses.  You are invited to follow the links of your choice to access FREE courses designed to help you become more proficient with AI:

1.    Google AI Courses:  Google offers 5 different courses to learn generative AI from the ground up. You can begin with an Introduction to AI and finish having a solid understanding of AI as a whole. https://lnkd.in/eW5k4DVz

2.    Introduction to AI with Python:  Yes, Harvard University is offering a full 7-week course to explore the concepts and algorithms of AI. The course begins with the technologies behind AI and ends with increased knowledge of AI principles and machine learning libraries. https://lnkd.in/g4Sbb3nQ

3.    Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT:  This is a 6-module course developed by Vanderbilt University.  The modules start with providing beginners with how to write better prompts. Effective prompting leads to knowing how to utilize ChatGPT for reliable outputs.  https://lnkd.in/d-rCb-AM

4.    ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Devs: In collaboration with DeepLearning, OpenAI is offering Isa Fulford and Andrew Ng’s course. Learners can begin with best practices and finish with hands-on practice to exhibit their better understanding of prompting. https://lnkd.in/gtGc5Znp

5.    Microsoft AI Course: Microsoft offers an AI course. Begin with an introduction and, if you wish, continue through learning about neural networks and deep learning. https://lnkd.in/eKJ9qmEQ

To Cite:

Anderson, C.J. (April 30, 2024) Formative assessment approaches help teachers plan for

 authentic utilization of generative Artificial intelligence. [Web log post] Retrieved from




Anderson, C. J. (2021). Developing your students' emotional intelligence and philosophical perspective begins with I-CORT. Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, 27, 36-50. 

Atlas, S. (2023) ‘ChatGPT for higher education and professional development: A guide to

conversational AI’, College of Business Faculty Publications [Preprint]. Available at:



DuFour, R., DuFour, R., & Eaker, R. (2008). Revisiting professional learning communities at

            work: New insights for improving schools. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.


Dufour, R. (2006). Learning by doing: A handbook for professional learning communities at

 work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

 Moll, L., González, N., & Amanti, C. (2009). Funds of knowledge: Theorizing practices in             households, communities, and classroom: Routledge

 Purkey, W. W., & Novak, J. M. (2015). Fundamentals of invitational education. (2nd Ed) International Alliance for Invitational Education. Retrieved from: Fundamental of Invitational Education | IAIE

Roe. K. (2019) Supporting student assets and demonstrating respect for funds of knowledge.              Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, v25 p5-13  

Rose, D. H., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. ASCD.  

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology (2023), Artificial Intelligence             and Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations. Retrieved             from: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning (ed.gov)

Wormeli, R. (2017). Fair isn't always equal: Assessment and grading in the differentiated

classroom. Stenhouse Publishers. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED592455